Ahmed Hamdy


free gingival graft around implant (stage 1 )

a case referred to me with implant placed in upper second premolar area , complete loss of attached gingiva with high frenal pull and metal display of the abutment ,, upon clinical examination I discovered severe drifting with no enough space for a standard premolar restoration and a recession on the mesiobuccal root of the upper first molar ,, I decided to increase the zone of attached gingiva first by doing a free gingival graft and making a crown to prevent further drifting until finding a better final solution ,, crown was made to help the epithelium also creep around it make it easier for the tissue later to maturate ,, after maturation a coronally reposition flap will be done with SECT graft to treat the recession and increase the thickness of the tissue around the implant ...

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Ahmed Hamdy


free gingival graft around implant (stage 1 )

a case referred to me with implant placed in upper second premolar area , complete loss of attached gingiva with high frenal pull and metal display of the abutment ,, upon clinical examination I discovered severe drifting with no enough space for a standard premolar restoration and a recession on the mesiobuccal root of the upper first molar ,, I decided to increase the zone of attached gingiva first by doing a free gingival graft and making a crown to prevent further drifting until finding a better final solution ,, crown was made to help the epithelium also creep around it make it easier for the tissue later to maturate ,, after maturation a coronally reposition flap will be done with SECT graft to treat the recession and increase the thickness of the tissue around the implant ...

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