
The Story of Two Broken Files Retrieval

-Femal patient 29 y. with free medical history referred from periodontist with 2 broken instrument tooth no.#25 (Type 2 Vertucci Classification) . After my colleague broken the 1st file he tried to bypass it and during bypassing procedures another file was broken also So; he decided to refer the case. #Mangment Protocol:- Firstly I tried to bypass 2 broken files as I can see them using DOM (semorr, LAMAA medical) and I did , then using ultrasonic tip ET#25 trephining around the broken files.The 1st file (the longest one) was totally loss but still intertwined with the other file. -Using broken instrument removal kit (ZUMAX_Medical_Co.) inserted the yellow extractor in the canal to grip and remove the 1st file..... -During irrigation procedures the 2nd file was popped out from the canal, here the huge amount of pus push out from the canal . #Irrigation Protocol:- warmed saline, Naocl 6%, Saline, CHX, Saline, Naocl 6%.... #BMP:- was done using Hyflex CM file till #40 0.04. -After finishing BMP the canal still not dry so,CaoH2 dressing for 2 weeks as ICM . -The patient came back after 3 weeks, CaoH2 was removed & Canal was cleaned using XP-endo finisher, irrigation again using hypo & EDTA 17% and finally with saline . #Obturation:- was done using AH Plus resin sealer with CLC technique.

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Pre-operative radiograph
shooting of 2 fractured instrument with DSLR camera "Canone 600D"
Catch the 1st file
remove the file from the extrator
1st file after removal
2nd file popped out
Two fractured files after retrieval
Measuring the fractured parts
Broken files before & after removal
Working length determination
Calcium hydroxide as intra-canal medicament
Master cone Fitting
Immediatly post operative x-ray
post operative radiograph with coronal restoration
Full story

The Story of Two Broken Files Retrieval

-Femal patient 29 y. with free medical history referred from periodontist with 2 broken instrument tooth no.#25 (Type 2 Vertucci Classification) . After my colleague broken the 1st file he tried to bypass it and during bypassing procedures another file was broken also So; he decided to refer the case. #Mangment Protocol:- Firstly I tried to bypass 2 broken files as I can see them using DOM (semorr, LAMAA medical) and I did , then using ultrasonic tip ET#25 trephining around the broken files.The 1st file (the longest one) was totally loss but still intertwined with the other file. -Using broken instrument removal kit (ZUMAX_Medical_Co.) inserted the yellow extractor in the canal to grip and remove the 1st file..... -During irrigation procedures the 2nd file was popped out from the canal, here the huge amount of pus push out from the canal . #Irrigation Protocol:- warmed saline, Naocl 6%, Saline, CHX, Saline, Naocl 6%.... #BMP:- was done using Hyflex CM file till #40 0.04. -After finishing BMP the canal still not dry so,CaoH2 dressing for 2 weeks as ICM . -The patient came back after 3 weeks, CaoH2 was removed & Canal was cleaned using XP-endo finisher, irrigation again using hypo & EDTA 17% and finally with saline . #Obturation:- was done using AH Plus resin sealer with CLC technique.

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