
#Non_surgical_Re_TTT #Silver_cones_removal #15_month_follow_up #3D_cleaning_lead_to_3D_filling #Lateral_canals #Amazing_healing

Male patient 55y. Came to my clinic with chief complain “pain related to tooth no. #26 during biting with dislodgment of the crown related to this tooth”. #Mangment_Protocol:- - Firstly; the intra-oral clinical examination was done (the crown was loosed and removed during examination by the probe). History and a pre-operative x-ray revealed that the tooth was previously root canal treated with silver cones + distal caries. - Using DOM; caries was removed and the access cavity refinement. after that; trying to remove the remnant of silver cones by a little trephining using US tip (ET#25).The remnant of silver cones was removed and scouting of missed MB2 was done. - #BMP of all canals was done using hybridization of both #PTU & #Hyflex_CM files. - #Irrigation_Protocol:- A) During Silver cones removal & Apical Patency & Canal shaping :- Naocal 5.25% B)Final Rinsing Protocol :- Naocal 5.25%, Saline, CHX, Saline, EDTA 17%, Saline, and finally alcohol … - the irrigation was activated using XP-endo Finisher file - #Obturation done using AH plus resin sealer with WVC technique.

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Initial situation
Pre-operative radiograph
Corrosion by-product of silver cones
silver cones removal
After silver cones removal
Working length determination
Master cone fitting
Immediate post operative x-ray
Lateral canals
3D cleaning
15 months follow-up with Amazing Healing
Multiple POE & Lateral canals
Long-term follow-up is Imperative.
the full story

#Non_surgical_Re_TTT #Silver_cones_removal #15_month_follow_up #3D_cleaning_lead_to_3D_filling #Lateral_canals #Amazing_healing

Male patient 55y. Came to my clinic with chief complain “pain related to tooth no. #26 during biting with dislodgment of the crown related to this tooth”. #Mangment_Protocol:- - Firstly; the intra-oral clinical examination was done (the crown was loosed and removed during examination by the probe). History and a pre-operative x-ray revealed that the tooth was previously root canal treated with silver cones + distal caries. - Using DOM; caries was removed and the access cavity refinement. after that; trying to remove the remnant of silver cones by a little trephining using US tip (ET#25).The remnant of silver cones was removed and scouting of missed MB2 was done. - #BMP of all canals was done using hybridization of both #PTU & #Hyflex_CM files. - #Irrigation_Protocol:- A) During Silver cones removal & Apical Patency & Canal shaping :- Naocal 5.25% B)Final Rinsing Protocol :- Naocal 5.25%, Saline, CHX, Saline, EDTA 17%, Saline, and finally alcohol … - the irrigation was activated using XP-endo Finisher file - #Obturation done using AH plus resin sealer with WVC technique.

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